Oil and Gas Well Stimulation Treatments in California

Project Specifications

Client: California Department of Conservation

Location: Sacramento County

Services: Environmental Review & Permitting, Biological Resources, Client Support

Under contract to the California Department of Conservation (DOC), Aspen prepared a Program EIR assessing oil and gas well stimulation treatments throughout California, as required by SB 4 as amended, which required the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) to evaluate the impacts of well stimulation treatments that may occur from either existing or future oil and gas wells, including hydraulic fracturing and acid well stimulation. The EIR evaluated well stimulation treatments geographically throughout the State according to DOGGR’s six administrative Districts, and additionally addresses three oil and gas fields in greater detail due to their historic or projected future use of well stimulation treatments.

The EIR included analyses of the subject areas provided in Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, as well as risk of upset/worker and public safety, environmental justice, offshore marine biological resources, coastal processes and marine water quality, and commercial and recreational fishing. Aspen supported the DOC during a suit, ending with the Superior Court and Superior Court of Appeals upholding the EIR.

Aspen Environmental Group

Aspen Environmental Group has offered diverse environmental services since 1991, including compliance, impact assessment, and mitigation for infrastructure, public works, and industrial projects. Our mission involves enhancing the understanding of human-environment interaction, delivering sustainable solutions for economic progress, and promoting diversity within our workforce through inclusive programs. Learn more


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