Replace Communications Facilities, Phase V

Project Specifications

Client: Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)

Location: Calaveras County, Stanislaus County, Santa Cruz County, Humboldt County, Shasta County

Services: Environmental Review & Permitting, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Compliance & Construction Monitoring

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) proposed to upgrade existing mountaintop telecommunications towers, vaults, and other supporting infrastructure as required to support the State's Public Safety Microwave Network and continue to provide essential emergency communications linkages for CAL FIRE'S fire protection and emergency response command and control throughout the State. On behalf of California Department of General Services (DGS), the CEQA lead agency, Aspen assisted with the environmental permitting and surveys at the following 7 CAL FIRE communications facilities: Sierra Vista in Calaveras; Mount Oso in Stanislaus; Chalk Mountain in Santa Cruz; Pratt Mountain and Mount Pierce in Humboldt; Bunchgrass in Shasta; and Banner Mountain in Nevada Counties. 

Aspen worked with DGS, CAL FIRE and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to develop individual project descriptions for each site.  At full buildout, each new 148-foot communications tower would be self-supporting, 4‑legged lattice structure with an upper monopole, mast and lightning arrestor at the top. Up to three levels of 10‑foot diameter microwave dishes would be installed on the lattice structures at the minimum height required for a clear line of sight to distant mountain peaks (approximately 15 to 50 miles away). The number of dishes would be determined by the number of State public agencies in addition to CAL FIRE utilizing each tower. Although each site varies, the proposed site work generally includes the demolition of existing towers, vaults and other retired communications structures, roadway improvements as needed, and the construction of the new towers, vaults, and other facilities, including solar PV arrays at one site. 

For 5 of the existing communications sites where replacement facilities are proposed, Aspen prepared Notices of Exemption and Categorical Exemption supporting memos, including separate wildlife, botany and cultural reports. For the proposed Banner Mountain communications tower near Nevada City, Aspen prepared an IS/MND due to a high level of public concern on other similar projects in the area and because the new tower would be an additional tower, not a replacement.  

The Chalk Mountain site is located in the Coastal Zone within the existing CAL FIRE lease hold area in Big Basin Redwoods State Park in Santa Cruz County. CAL FIRE is working to revise tower design to minimize visual impacts and Aspen is preparing an EIR to address potential impacts to aesthetics, biological resources, and recreation that were identified in the Initial Study.  Aspen assisted DGS and CAL FIRE with the Coastal Zone Permitting (Level 5 Development Permit) application and consistency process through the Santa Cruz County Planning Department. As part of the process, Aspen prepared an alternatives analysis of alternative sites, project design options, and visual mitigation.


Aspen Environmental Group

Aspen Environmental Group has offered diverse environmental services since 1991, including compliance, impact assessment, and mitigation for infrastructure, public works, and industrial projects. Our mission involves enhancing the understanding of human-environment interaction, delivering sustainable solutions for economic progress, and promoting diversity within our workforce through inclusive programs. Learn more


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