Dola and Lanzit Ditch Replacement

Project Specifications

Client: San Bernardino County

Location: San Bernardino County

Services: Environmental Review & Permitting, Biological Resources

Aspen assisted the County with the preparation of CEQA (MND) documents for two bridge replacements at Dola Ditch and Lanzit Ditch, located on the San Bernardino County maintained National Trails Highway (NTH), known as California U.S. Highway 66/National Trails Highway, and traditionally known as Route 66. The condition of CA Highway 66/NTH bridges is of critical concern to the entire eastern and central portion of the High Desert. The projects were funded in part through the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Local Assistance support. All project documents were prepared to meet Caltrans formatting and content requirements, and were reviewed and approved by Caltrans.

In addition to the MNDs, Aspen prepared technical reports in compliance with Caltrans formatting and content requirements, including an Initial Site Assessment (ISA), Location Hydrologic Study (LHS), Summary Encroachment Report, Water Quality Assessment (WQA), Natural Environment Study (NES), and a Jurisdictional Delineation (JD) for each bridge.  Final MNDs were prepared in April 2016 and approved by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors on April 19, 2016. Aspen also assisted the County with biological resources permitting. At Caltrans request, Aspen prepared Biological Assessments (BA) to support USFWS consultation for potential impacts to the threatened desert tortoise. The USFWS concurred with the conclusion that the projects may affect, but are unlikely to adversely affect, desert tortoise. In addition, Aspen prepared the notifications to CDFW for the projects’ LSAA. The final LSAAs were executed by CDFW and the County in April 2016.

Aspen recently prepared a CEQA Addendum to address rebuilding of the bridges due to failure from the original design. Aspen also updated the cultural resources technical report and biological resources technical report for both bridges.

Aspen Environmental Group

Aspen Environmental Group has offered diverse environmental services since 1991, including compliance, impact assessment, and mitigation for infrastructure, public works, and industrial projects. Our mission involves enhancing the understanding of human-environment interaction, delivering sustainable solutions for economic progress, and promoting diversity within our workforce through inclusive programs. Learn more


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