Oberon Renewable Energy Project

Project Specifications

Client: Intersect Power, LLC

Location: Riverside County

Services: Environmental Review & Permitting, Cultural Resources, Biological Resources, Compliance & Construction Monitoring

The Oberon Renewable Energy Project is a 500-megawatt solar photovoltaic facility with integrated energy storage and a generation-tie line that connects into the statewide power grid. This project is located approximately 80 miles east of Palm Springs, in the Desert Center area of Riverside County where there have been several large solar energy projects proposed and developed. Aspen completed environmental documents under NEPA for the Bureau of Land Management and under CEQA for the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board. Aspen’s NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA) was unique because it was one of the first large solar projects approved without preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EA was tiered from the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) Final and Land Use Plan Amendment (LUPA). Aspen also managed the preparation of the DRECP and its Final EIS and LUPA.

Over the course of the project, Aspen’s services included biological and cultural resources surveys, monitoring, permitting support, and preconstruction compliance.

Aspen Environmental Group

Aspen Environmental Group has offered diverse environmental services since 1991, including compliance, impact assessment, and mitigation for infrastructure, public works, and industrial projects. Our mission involves enhancing the understanding of human-environment interaction, delivering sustainable solutions for economic progress, and promoting diversity within our workforce through inclusive programs. Learn more


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